Loving this short Yoga with Adriene practice that i did today. The video is called Yoga for Self Respect. There are often words that resonate with me almost every single time I do yoga. Today the words are as follows:
So we’re at our best and I believe we truly can be of service to others when we feel like we are in alinement with who we truly are … “Yeah well, how do I get there Adriene”, someone asked. I think the answer is: look inside. We’re constantly looking to other people everywhere to validate, to show us the respect. Well, we wouldn’t be looking for that if we didn’t feel like we deserve this. We really don’t need to look outside for that, it’s all inside.
It’s so true. I almost never find myself looking for validation from other people now. Yes, the encouragement is great but what’s even more great is to truly respect yourself from the inside, not because someone else respects you.